
We believe that following Jesus happens best 
when we’re in community with others.

Monday Groups

Connecting with God in our Life Stories (Online Group)
Mondays, April 7, 14, 21, 28; 7:00 - 8:00 PM (Online)
Join us on Mondays in April for an online group experience. We will explore and engage in spiritual practices to connect with God and seek how he is speaking into our life stories. This group will include reflective questions, hearing from others, teaching, and time to practice what we're learning. We are looking forward to hearing God together!
Led by Pastor Louise Stanton and Mercy Prayer Class Facilitator Sarah Hoverson.

Tuesday Groups

Dummann Home Group (FULL)
Every Other Tuesday
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Location: Roseville

We are a group of late 20s/early 30s couples and singles who meet weekly for a time of fellowship, Bible study/discussion, and prayer. We are full at this time, but come say hi to us in the cafe! We're usually greeting or making coffee. - Joe and Emily Dummann
Living As Peacemakers - A Bible Study with Pastor Gary
Tuesdays (February through March AND April 2) 
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church
Are you ready to make a difference in a divided world?
Join us for an eight-week Bible study, Living as Peacemakers, where we'll explore how the life and teachings of Jesus equip us to be agents of peace in a diverse world. Through scripture-based insights, weekly discussions, and practical tools, you'll gain confidence in living out your faith and building bridges where there are walls.
Whether you're navigating personal relationships, workplace challenges, or cultural tensions, this study will help you center your life on Jesus and reflect His love and reconciliation in every interaction. Let's come together, grow together, and be the light our world desperately needs.

Can't make it in but still want to attend?
Here's the link to the zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 893 0991 9190

Wednesday Groups

Midweek Lent Study for Women
Wednesdays - March 26 - April 16
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church
Join others at Mercy for a mid-week Lent study, called The Promise and Power of Easter by Christine Caine and Lisa Harper. The group will meet 9-11 am on Wednesday mornings for four weeks starting on March 26, leading to the week of Easter.
Mercy Wednesdays
Join us for the May Session!
Wednesdays - May 7, 14, 21, 28
Dinner: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Groups: 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church

Thursday Groups

Entler Home Group
Every other Thursday
6:30-8:30 PM
Location: St. Louis Park

We're a group of all ages and life stages who gather together twice a month to study a book (we're currently reading "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality", pray together, and generally do life alongside one another.
Intercessory Prayer
6:00 PM
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church

Intercessory prayer group. We pray for the needs of the church and one another.

Friday Groups

Second Half of Life
Second Fridays we will meet at Church
(April 11, May 9th, June 13th)
This will be a more “speaker-led’’ gathering. We’ll begin our meeting promptly at 6:30 pm. There will be a topical session, and then we’ll split into discussion/prayer circles, and dismiss by 8:30 pm.
Fourth Fridays we will meet at homes
(April 25th, May 23rd, June 27th)
We’ll rotate the location, to even out the challenge of driving. The format will be a time of worship, topical discussion, prayer, and communion. The timeframe will be the same; 6:30-8:30 pm.
Mercy Women First Fridays
Mercy Women join us for First Friday! A hosted Happy Hour right at the Mercy Vineyard Cafe with light refreshments and delicious (spirits-free) beverages. This relaxed, no-pressure event will facilitate new connections for women in the Mercy community. Yes, you belong here!
(Off for July and August)

Saturday Groups

Men of Mercy Fellowship
2nd Saturday of the Month (Off for July and August, resuming in September)
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church

Men of all ages and backgrounds are invited to come for fellowship on Saturday from 9:00 - 10:30 am at Mercy Vineyard Church. We will gather in the cafe area for food, fellowship, a short devotional, and prayer. Some Saturdays, we have outreach events rather than breakfast together, so stay tuned for updates!
Minnie Small Group
Every Other Saturday (1st and 3rd Saturdays)
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Location: Mercy Vineyard Church

Join us on Saturday mornings (1st and 3rd Saturdays) for pastries, stories of how God is showing up in your life and to pray for each other. Everyone is welcome. (Winter dates: Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, April 5, we won’t meet April 19 since it’s the day before Easter, May 4, May 17 ).
Stanton Home Group
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: White Bear Lake

We share a meal and community together, pray for one another, and enjoy being part of the family of God. When we run out of room, we build a bigger table. Family group all eats together, then the kids have kid time while the adults continue to connect and pray for one another. * Winter/Spring dates: Jan. 11/25; Feb 8/22; March 8/22; April 12/26; May 10

Sunday Groups

Maple Grove Small Group
Every Other Sunday Evening
5:00 -7:00 PM
Location: Maple Grove

A group for all ages and stages to build community. We will eat together, pray together and share what God is doing in our lives. 

Day Varies Groups

Mercy Educators Group
A group for all educators, public and private. This is a low-key group. We communicate by email. Weekly prayer requests and encouragement will be sent to members.
No regular formal meetings are planned. There are educator activities during the year that you will be invited to attend.  
August - back to school breakfast and prayer.
Meetings - Como Park and the Compass Educator organizations have breakfast meetings in the east and west metro two times a year.  It's a great way to support each other as educators.

My background:  I was a special education teacher in St. Paul Schools for 21 years.
I retired 2 years ago and I really valued my time with colleagues in prayer and bible study.
Ladies Fiction Book Club
Varying Times
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: Various Locations
This group is for women who enjoy reading fiction and want to discuss books with others from Mercy. Dates and Books will be selected by voting by the group through Doodlepoll. One book will be chosen each month, and we will meet one evening a month to discuss the book. Snacks provided.
College Age Connect
Are you in college or college-aged and looking to connect with other Mercy folks in your life stage? Connect with us as we journey life together for meals, coffee dates, and fun. Click the button to email Sheila!
Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups
What are Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups?
  • Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
  • Growing up in family dysfunction
  • Addictions like drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, food, or anything else we idolize
  • Emotional hang-ups like anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem
  • Anything that causes you shame, guilt, despair, depression, anger, or pain
We all experience brokenness from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, but we can find freedom in Christ when we allow his power to change us.

Questions about joining or hosting a group?

Do you have a passion for community and an interest in hosting or leading a group?
Sign up for the next Mercy Group Leader Interest Meeting on Sunday, May 4 for more details