A Quick Snapshot

Founded in 2004 with a dozen twenty-somethings from Illinois, our church family has grown to include hundreds of people.
Mercy was developed to be a faith community that was authentic, intellectually honest, spiritually vibrant, engaged in justice and multicultural.
The community that started meeting in a living room in 2004 has grown significantly. Through the good and hard times, the Holy Spirit and the value of connection has kept Mercy rooted as a place of encouragement and overflowing grace, where people come to know others and be known.
We're a part of the greater Vineyard Movement. Founded in 1982 by John Wimber, the Vineyard Association of Churches spread from California, and now there are over 2400 Vineyard churches around the world in 95 countries. To learn more about the Vineyard Movement, we invite you to attend the next Vineyard DNA class where you'll dive in deeper into the values and distinctives of the movement. You may also visit vineyardusa.org to learn more.
We're a part of the greater Vineyard Movement. Founded in 1982 by John Wimber, the Vineyard Association of Churches spread from California, and now there are over 2400 Vineyard churches around the world in 95 countries. To learn more about the Vineyard Movement, we invite you to attend the next Vineyard DNA class where you'll dive in deeper into the values and distinctives of the movement. You may also visit vineyardusa.org to learn more.